andi setiawan's blog - Part 11
Si Komo

The komodo dragon picture i shot in the reptile park in Batubulan. This is the only best shot i got there today, not that the objects were bad, in fact they were amazing, they live in a surprisingly good park and in such a good care.

And the ticket was Rp. 91.000/person, not like ragunan zoo, but worthed.


Haliastur indus atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan elang bondol, dapat ditemukan di daerah asia tenggara, cina, dan australia, atau di kebun binatang ragunan. Lho??

Iya men.. barusan gw maen ke ragunan, nengok saudara gw, yaitu..


Gw kesana ama adek gw yang baru aja nemu profesi baru, yaitu ngemis part time di ragunan.. lumayan lancar bisnisnya..

Komang lagi ngemis

Kemarin kita maen ke cibubur juga, kampung china.. tapi.. kurang asik ah..


Ubuntu, Xhosa culture means- ‘I Am Because We Are’

Error 404

This week I always wake up in the middle of the night, just to find out that so many little vampires (mosquito) bit me. And its hard to get back to sleep (¯_____¯٥)


The only way to survive is SELF CONTROL


Stay awesome