From the last 5 days (from 2 November 2009) until tomorrow (7 November 2009), I’ve been joining some interviews with my instructors. English interview, Italian, Germany, sanitation, restaurant practice, bar knowledge, menu knowledge, hotel and cruise knowledge, stewarding, and tomorrow is house-keeping knowledge.. such a busy week.. :-S
But, fortunately, I’ll got the interval recess next week (9-14 November), 😀 and I’m going to be at home at those 7 days.. while preparing for the Final Test for the next several days (starting from 16 until 21 of November), I’ll do some extra exercise at the gym to face the BST at Surabaya…
yupz.. Basic Safety Training, it’s kind a safety training from the Navy/Army, so we (as a ship crew) will can safe our soul from any dangerous activity or accident on board the cruise ship, and one of the test is swimming, 200 meters of water in the open sea.. what a challenge… :-O
So that’s why it is impossible for me to keep this blog updated.. -_-“
Posted in umum |
what a test man…fuiiihh…alll I can say is goog luck for those test…
.-= bukan facebook´s last blog ..Hati-hati kalau main Facebook! =-.
Assalmu’alaikum maaf mas/kang saya baru bisa berkunjung kembali setelah sekian lama menghilang maklum sedang asyik menekuni bidang usaha yg baru sekali lagi mohon maaf.
Belum bisa komentar hanya kunjungan malam saja alias ronda.
Salam sukses n ay lap yu pulll :tob:
kunjungan malam alias ronda atau siskamling mengunjungi teman dan mengucapkan..
Salam sukses n ay lap yu pulll
g’luck…..n hate2,doa ku menyertaimu (Y)
Mas, boleh kasih tahu saya plugin google translate yg digunakan diatas? saya juga pengin pasang untuk blog wordpress saya.
Ini bisa juga untuk blogspot nggak mas?
.-= Gadis´s last blog ..Make Up Tricks to look pretty and Young =-.
Wow, I’ve never swim in a sea for the rest of my life, hahaha.. I hope i can manifest this wish. 😀
.-= ganda´s last blog ..Planet-Orange Redesign =-.
you should try it, it is very exciting
and it is more exciting if I swim in coral reef area
Salam kenal bro… tampaknya berenang dilautan cukup menakutkan bagi saya… terbayang lautan tsb dihuni mahkluk2 yang menyeramkan…
*gara2 kebanyakan nonton film :puyeng:
.-= planet orange´s last blog ..Akhirnya bisa merasakan Google Wave =-.
^_^ ga segitunya kok….
menarik tuh mas :tob:
hehe tetep aktif donk…dunia nyata oke, maya jg oke
.-= TrickStory´s last blog ..Google Fade In Effect | Efek Baru dari Google ! =-.