These are our finished projects. It is our portfolio too. Don’t hesitate to visit the demo page.
A company website owned by CV. Singaraja Property. Based on Singaraja, this property sells residences, lands, and also airplane ticket.
Both of the sites above are belong to Suzanna, they are TE (traffic exchange) sites. There are many improvement made under the hood. Thanks to the brilliant ideas of the owner, now both of them have many features that other TE’s don’t. She got the ideas, i do the coding :D, such a good teamwork
Platinum RentCar [dot] Com is a car rental website based on Denpasar – Bali. It uses PHP+MySQL, driven by Ajaxed content. With jQuery, it comes with attractive design, easy navigation, and of course it is easy to book a car from it’s interactivity. The Platinum Learning Center, is website of Platinum Learning Center which is located at Kerobokan – Kuta. It is kinda multi-language course built by several of my lecturer in the college.
GenosI is a free blog script based on PHP+mySQL. GenosI stand for Generation of Open Source Indonesia.
MOS is a PHP based program, powered with jQuery and touchscreen support, used to help the hotel and restaurant management in food and beverage ordering/billing.
Some of our PHP project aren’t listed here because of considered as obsolete.