My real name is I Gede Andi Setiawan, from Bondalem Village, Tejakula, Buleleng Regency, North Bali.
The History..
Education Background:
After tried several different schools here in Bali for two years, I was sent to Bekasi to continue my study. Finally I finished elementary school at SDN 2 Cimuning, Bantar Gebang, Bekasi (West Java) in 2003, where all of my friend in my age were already in 2nd grade of junior high school. I got a lot of friends back there, but i had to go back to my mother land, Bali Island, where my family lived.
I continued my study in SMPN 1 Tejakula from 2003 thru 2006. It is the most reliable junior high school in my district (it’s about 3KM away from my house). That was my golden era. I got so many achievements there. I didn’t even get any problem with girls. Girls like me so much, I don’t know why.. 😀
Oh, I won a Computer Competition in Undiksha when I was in Junior High school, and the certificate became a “VIP Ticket” for me to continue my study to SMAN 1 Singaraja. And I can say that it is the best Senior High school in North Bali. While other had to take some tests (TPA, Test Prestasi Akademik) to enter SMANSA Singaraja, I just give a copy of my certificate to join the JPA (Jalur Prestasi Akademik) where I didn’t have to take any test. And just sit tight waiting for the announcement.
The first semester, I went to X1 class. This class consisted of 30 chosen students from JPA and the highest ranks of TPA. But in the second semester, I was kicked out to X5. Hahahaha.. even my IQ test result was 136 (superior), turns out I’m not that smart to keep in X1. In the second grade, I decided to choose the Language Program for my major. Which wasn’t so relevant with my KSP TI (Kelompok Siswa Penggemar Teknologi Informasi). I joined KSP-TI since the first semester because of my certificate, the teacher said that I MUST join the club. Thanks to the club and the IT teachers in Smansa Singaraja, I could make more achievements than when I was in junior high. It made my parents more proud of me \(^_^)/
I graduated from Smansa Singaraja in 2009 and continued to Balindo Paradiso (a D1 & D2 Hotel School from Bali Paradise Citra Dewata). I took the D1 Cruise Ship program and graduated in February 2011. It took more than a year for us to graduate -,- It is because we have to wait for the other classes to finish their training phase.
Working history..
With my ability in programming that taught by my teachers in Smansa Singaraja, I started to work as a freelance web programmer since I graduated from senior high school until now, just to satisfy my hobby and to fill the leisure time when I didn’t get a class in campus, when I’m finished my working hour at the hotel, and even when I’m working at one office in Singaraja few months ago.

In December 12 2011, I worked at Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana as a Daily Worker Waiter in F&B Service. The plan was: I work here for three months. But less than a month, I got a phone call from one of famous agencies to work on board a cruise ship.
And now, I’m currently working in cruising industry for almost six years.
2017 Update: I got married this year.
Hai andi…salam kenal juga ya……dan teruslah berkarya melalui blog mu ini
Sukses selalu untuk mu friend
Namaste 🙂 *kata si Adhy, ini artinya salam.. ahahaha*
temen baeknya si adhy yach??? 😛
ohh. jadi nama aslinya i gede andi setiawan. hahahaaa. hmmm. 😉
ya gitu deh cret… hahahha..
(&) (&) << mirip kmu
nomor hapenya gak bisa dihubungi 😀
Sekarang no nya 085739493022
cayo……….. (*)
Hi Andi,
Kebetulan saya lihat blog Andi ini dari link di FB. Bagus… banget… saya salut… Bravo…andi.
Kalau boleh saya tanya… mengapa andi memilih sekolah D1 pelayaran… Bukanya komputer? atau informatika? atau web development??
Salama sesama alumni semansa singaraja…
ya soalnya mo nyari duit cepet dulu bli, 🙂
Nanti kalo udah sukses and punya dana, baru nyari web development.. 😉
Kenalan ah…aku pengunjung yang kesekian kalinya. Sharing ilmu yuk…..aku bisa bikin theme lho.
g"luck ya bli……. (Y)
salam kenal mas 🙂
Bingung …
manggilnya kakak aja ah , habis lebih tua dari saya…
ka sekarang udah kerja ya ? kerjanya berhubungan dengan komputer ya ka …
hmmm keren , kakak diterima di infolinks , kemaren saya ditolak melulu …:jedug:
saya masih kuliah kok.. itu pun jurusannya bener2 ga da hubungan ama compy.. hehe.. mungkin ga diterima gara2 belum memenuhi syarat..
Salam kenal mas, salam sukses untuk anda.
hi andi..hahahahaha
*salam dr aku,,no absen setelah absenmu di smansa singaraja* 😉