I’ve got addicted man!!!!
Facebook ruined my day.. Everyday, every time I opened my browser (opera mini 4), the first page that I see is my mobile Facebook that never logged out for many days…
This is the first time I addicted with a social network like this. I have an account at Friendster, but it never make me satisfied. How it could be??
My friends that a member of Friendster has a lot of “friends” on their list. But i’ve got only 20-30.
But when I join facebook and concentrate in facebook, I’ve got hundreds of friend right now. Check it out at my Facebook Badge at right side of this blog..
By the way, I’ve found a free Facebook-like wordpress template. And I started to use it. I’m sure that it will save my site bandwith..
you can download it at this link : CryBook.zip (41kb)
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wah saya jg sekarang mulai facebook addiccted nih…
tp mudah2an ya ga sampe lupa sama blog 🙂
zee’s last blog post..pusing cari bs buat vaya
I dont have facebook anyway, dont need it yet 🙂
Ely’s last blog post..Rapsfeld
WIHH.. sampe segitunya sama fesbuk..
ak aja baru ikutan fesbuk, masih belon ngerti sama fesbuk.. ya kalo sering dibuka pasti ngertilah (OOT)
WahyuOi’s last blog post..ASK WEBCAM ACER 2930
facebook lebih disukai di tahun 2009 ini
jadi inget klo jarang buka fs nih
jadi facebook addicted kayak zee diatas
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Kalo saya, buka FB paling kalo ada pesan ato cuma sekedar menyetujui permintaan pertemanan.
Belum ketergantungan deh…
Wah keren keknya mas, tengkyu atas infonya
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Whoa, that’s sad. Hope everything’s okay now. I also find facebook more addicting compared to friendster. I love it.
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yupz.. but now i’m enjoying FB as fun as i can.. also promoting my blog to my friends trough FB..
So, how i can find you on FB?
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