andi setiawan's blog - Part 51

Don’t flip the fuck out.

First, let’s agree that a number can be represented in many ways.  4/2, 30-28, and .5 x 4 all are equivalent to 2.  50/150, 2/6, and .3 repeating are all equivalent to 1/3.  I’m going to assume that everyone is cool with that.

Now, let’s get to some relatively simple arguments in favor of this idea.

Algebraic argument:

Let x equal .999999999…Then 10x would equal 9.9999999999….We therefore have the following: Continue reading “.9 repeating equals 1”


I’ve finished maintenance on and this blog. what a busy weekend 🙂

Some bugs were fixed on, so there should be no more 404 error page when searching package with period in the package name.

Two days ago I created a new script which could fetch the meaning of urban words or slang language from a huge database.

I named the script Urban Word Search, because it does search the meaning of urban/slang words.

The database is growing each day because it’s a community maintained database.

View the site here : and search for a word, such as fuck or shit, or brainspin.

Tiap orang punya cara nya sendiri untuk melampiaskan suatu perasaan, bahkan satu orang bisa mempunyai beberapa fase dalam menanggapi perasaannya tersebut.

Maksudnya fase disini adalah fase dimana orang tersebut mendalami perasaannya dan memikirkan pelampiasan yang cocok sebelum akhirnya dia melampiaskan perasaannya.

masih belum mengerti? oke kita liat contohnya.. Green with envy

Continue reading “Pelampiasan”

If you’re a programmer, then you know what does it mean if your life variable is in NULL condition.

like having something in thought, but you cant guessed it..

till you are very confused on how to code it..

and dying to know what it is.. is it in PHP, JS, HTML, or.. Love???

even you can erase and reformat your own brain to find it out..

getting spirit out of your body like a laptop without it’s battery

and you still don’t know what to do after seeking in task manager

sometimes you may think negatively.. think about ctrl+alt+del

until you feel the stress,

lost the fun in searching inside the registry..

dropped in your own shit..

you don’t even feel the wind of the cooling pad anymore..

you lost all of your ideas and inspirations, and closing the workspace..

and lying down on the cold ground wishing you could know what to do..

Today I created a sitemap for, I took my blog’s sitemap as the example. So if you open the sitemap, you’ll find it weird remembering my site is using custom script without any WordPress engine at all.

The script written in PHP and store the data to sitemap.xml, well, actually I can just submit the script’s URL to Google (, but the other search engine will not find it. So  I use the sitemap.xml instead. I set the script to run every one hour, so Google will love my site.. Smile

I’ve submitted the sitemap to Google Websmaster Tool, so Google could know if there something new in my website.

You can see the live sitemap here: .

If you need the sample of the script, please contact me Open-mouthed smile