andi setiawan's blog - Part 2

Ada yang bilang “semuanya akan mati matic pada akhirnya”. Bener aja, sekarang tuntutan transportasi sehari-hari ga bisa mengandalkan sport bike yang bahkan ga bisa dipake beli nasi bungkus di warung depan.

Sempet kita coba pulang kampung naik ni motor untuk yang pertama kalinya, dan waktu itu kita pulang pergi Jimbaran-Negara, tulang punggung kerasa patah, tangan kesemutan. Ternyata jauh lebih nikmat kalo pulang kampung itu bawa mobil, ada AC, ada musik, ada kursi yang empuk. Kalo lagi pengen ngemil pun ada yang nyuapin.

Jadi bulan september kemarin, dengan berat hati si Tinja mesti diganti dengan matic. Kebetulan ada yg nawar tukar tambah dengan ADV yg juga belum setahun dipake, sama-sama baru 5000an KM. Ya jadilah si ADV ini yang sekarang nganter ngirim barang tiap hari.

ADV hitam

Hari ke-2 motor ini dirumah, langsung kita test drive ke Kintamani. Disana kita beli kopi doank, abis itu singgah ke rumah temen yang kebetulan dekat situ, dan langsung pulang. Ga bikin pegel ternyata. Apalagi kali ini bisa gantian bawa sama bini. Konsumsi bahan bakar juga hemat, tembus 40km/liter. Lumayan di masa covid kaya gini.

We felt so bored at home, so we went for a short trip to Kintamani for a cup of Cappuccino (at Montana del Cafe) and a bunch of pictures taken here and there.

Starting in June 2020, our website is repurposed into a different kind of website. This is due to the trend changes over the couple few years.

Long gone the days where people download APK’s for android from the black market, that’s why the stats showing a decline in visitor for So we moved it to a new place at

Now the homepage is dedicated for Room Finder Indonesia, a hotel/villa finder for a traveller or backpacker in the budget. It has thousands of room across Indonesia, especially in Bali.

Visit Room Finder Indonesia now, and get a huge discount in villa or hotel rooms if you book it thru our website.

Hotel data is provided by our partner, the price is updated regularly.

We celebrated our anniversary a little bit early this year in Singapore.

This is Dobby, he began to be part of my family since I adopted him three years ago.

He is a curious little fella. When he finds something interesting, he will try to figure it out. He always like to run around the block, but when he gets tired, he will jump on to the scooter himself and go back home on it.

Dobby has the same hobby with my wife, which is sleeping in the bedroom with AC on. Almost every time, he will sneak in to the room just to get the cold temperature of the room, and sleep there. well, sometime only half of his body is inside the room, from chest up is outside.

Every morning, He would knock on the door to wake us up, so that we can open the front door for him to do his business outside. After that, he’ll get into the house and sleep again.

I never see him barking at people, even at stranger. That is because he is a friendly breed. He loves children. He got a lot of hooman friends in our block. But whenever he sees another dog, it’s another story. Beagle is an hound breed, he barks loudly like bigger dog breeds.

just sit and relax.. we don’t have to think about tomorrow today.. .

This picture was shot in Sukasada Water Palace in Karangasem.

Book your next room/hotel ranging from the cheapest price to most luxurious while traveling in Bali, click “Learn More” or follow the link below to see how.

Complete list of hotel and villas in Bali

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