andi setiawan's blog - Part 18

My timeline for 21 Dec 2012

14 Nov 2012 12:48 : Jalesveva Jayamahe

15 Nov 2012 09:57 : @kampus kertha pura

16 Nov 2012 10:51 : panes2 gini enaknya ke air sanih ne..

21 Nov 2012 10:22 : adaahh.. salah perhitungan.. kengken carane… -,-

02 Dec 2012 10:20 : dah lama jadi baywatch, makin item dah…

07 Dec 2012 08:24 : should’ve kissed u, but then i think… maybe I’m overthink, maybe i should overdrink

07 Dec 2012 19:00 : i feel good…
♪~ ゛(´д`*)゛~♪~♪
teroret roret roret…

07 Dec 2012 19:12 : karma di plurk 100.03!! I’m in plurk nirvana!! (Ò‚9’Ì€o’́)9

14 Dec 2012 09:27 : Argumentum In Absurdum

14 Dec 2012 10:56 : tondene ngalih kabak ane seken jak ibuk.. pang enggal ngelah cucu kone (¯_____¯٥)

14 Dec 2012 22:25 : gerimis, sejuk bgt.. enaknya guling2 lg ne nunggu biar ketiduran (˘-˘)ง

15 Dec 2012 01:18 : Requiescat in pace

15 Dec 2012 06:39 : bondalem blackout.. sesuatu banget… <(˘̀^˘́҂)>

15 Dec 2012 19:49 : just woke up, and then came this thought, I’m this young n my responsibility is this big (ˇ_ˇ’!l)

16 Dec 2012 00:17 : new project: redesign
why? ga ada kerjaan, liburan kaya gini bosen dirumah

16 Dec 2012 22:41 :

17 Dec 2012 02:29 : So I tell the swamp donkey to sock it before I
give her a trunky in the tradesman’s entrance
and have her lick me yarbles!

20 Dec 2012 11:25 : jadwal berubah drastis 🙂

20 Dec 2012 23:43 : megamind

21 Dec 2012 01:12 : Megamind: All men must choose between two paths. Good is the path of honour, heroism, and nobility. Evil… well, it’s just cooler.

21 Dec 2012 04:02 :

21 Dec 2012 07:45 : liburan = berat badan turun

Awal Desember kemarin gw udah menginjakkan kaki lagi di Indonesia. Dan sudah genap 2 minggu ada di Bali.

Dari 2 minggu ini, banyak banget yang terjadi. Banyak, saking banyaknya mungkin kalian bakal bosen buat ngebaca.

The adaptation
Terbiasa tidur di tempat dingin, dan kedinginan pas baru bangun. Mungkin itu yang bikin aku ngerasa ngga nyaman dengan cuaca di Bali. Setiap hari ngerasa gerah terus, padahal yang lain bilang kalo ini biasa-biasa saja, belum bisa dibilang panas.

The facial hair
Pernah nonton episode 1 dari season ke tiga How I Met Yout Mother? S03E01 kalo ga salah.. disana Ted Mosby punya apa yang dia sebut “the break up beard”, dia numbuhin jenggot dan kumis kalo habis putus ama pacarnya. Di episode itu, Ted abis putus sama Robin, jadi ted numbuhin kumis dan jenggot nya. Yapz, that’s the thing going on with my face. Hampir seminggu ngga shaving, bikin wajah gua brewokan abis.. ada yang bilang keren, seksi, tapi ada juga yang bilang tua.. hahaha.. tapi peduli amat, gw muda, single, urakan, dan pengangguran.. siapa yang berani protes??

The Car
Dan akhirnya, itu pagar depan harus dirombak dan dimodif biar mobil gw bisa masuk ke halaman rumah.. yepz, I got my own car now.. suzuki sx4 X-over, some pronounce it as cross-over, some calls it sexy four. Ga sia-sia gw kerja keras banting piring berbulan-bulan di negeri orang, akhirnya ada hasilnya..

The heart
Nah, ga tau kenapa, bukan maksud buat nyakitin hati kamu, tapi kita cuma temen.. mungkin ada nilai yang lebih, tapi tetep aja, jangan bersikap kaya gitu. We’re just friends. Your other friend intefered with our stuff, I know it. I knew she would screw things up, but I didn’t tell you, to keep it simple. Dia mempengaruhi jalan pikiranmu. Yah, bukannya aku bermaksud buat jelek2in dia. Tapi satu hal terakhir yang kamu mesti denger dan inget dari aku, ambil baiknya aja, jangan dengerin nasihat2 yang bisa ubah prinsip kamu. Aku yakin, karena kata2nya kita udah ga bertemen lagi sekarang. 🙂 but for sure, I know u can be better with your own heart. Keep moving on, keep it simple. God bless your path.

The plan
Well, rencana nya, bulan ini mau seneng2, hambur2 sisa duit dari kerjaan tahun ini, dan januari mulai kerja jadi web programmer lagi selama 2 bulan. Tapi… rencana mendadak berubah lagi, barusan ada call dari agen gw, katanya jadwal gua dimajuin jadi Januari taun depan.. yaikk.. Щ(ºДºщ)  harus segera explore Bali nih, biar sempet keliling sebelum ke luar negeri lagi..


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December and January has so many holidays. But how we will enjoy them all?

I always wanted to explore Bali. Maybe I’ll visit them one by one.

Days ago, I visited Air Sanih in Buleleng, northern part of Bali.

And next? We’ll see! 😉

Posted from WordPress for Android

My timeline for 12 Nov 2012

25 Sep 2012 04:15 : im not crazy im just a little unwell

26 Sep 2012 04:59 : monte carlo.. not going out due to bad weather

29 Sep 2012 07:13 : hibernasi

03 Oct 2012 05:15 : hemat… 🙂

06 Oct 2012 16:15 : kerja di bar itu….. yah beginilah…

07 Oct 2012 07:30 : for android apps n games

11 Oct 2012 04:03 : wine ini wine itu.. ngeliatnya aja udah maboook…

11 Oct 2012 04:22 : emang belum gilirannya 🙂

11 Oct 2012 18:01 : “All night hearing voices telling me that I should get some sleep because tomorrow might be good for something”
Matchbox20 – Unwell

12 Oct 2012 15:13 : dan aku pun tersenyum 🙂

14 Oct 2012 17:28 : thanks 🙂

19 Oct 2012 04:45 : rate dollar lagi tinggi.. pantesan jatah ane kagak dikirim ama perusahaan -_-“

20 Oct 2012 05:01 : banyak yg salah.. nilai 0!

24 Oct 2012 16:14 : hadapi dengan senyuman 🙂

28 Oct 2012 07:45 : hen I watched that thing again. Sometimes I smiled, sometimes I just shivered.

28 Oct 2012 07:45 : Then I watched that thing again. Sometimes I smiled, sometimes I just shivered.

01 Nov 2012 06:14 : is up again after 2 days down

02 Nov 2012 17:57 : #np Samson – Kisah Tak Sempurna

11 Nov 2012 10:24 : masih, hadapi dengan senyuman 🙂

12 Nov 2012 14:17 : next project is => htpp://

12 Nov 2012 14:23 : next project is =>

The first day at sea to fort Lauderdale ran just like what I predicted. The weather was unstable, the wave was so high even when we are still docked at Madeira.

There was an even today in Lido Deck, precisely in my section, The Lido Pool area. It was Mongolian Cookout. Well, you see.. it was rough sea, so the water inside the pool was just pretty much the same with the sea wave. The water splashed out of the pool flooding the deck, the chefs got wet. When the situation getting more dangerous, the captain took the decision to dry the swimming pool.

And then the story continued to dinner time in the dining room. The wave getting higher as the sun goes down. Maybe the guests realized that drinking alcoholic drink during the rough sea could make them sea-sick, that’s why there was not so many order for alcoholic beverages. it left me stranded in the bar, dying for boredom.

And.. tonight we are entering new time zone, it’s GMT -3, the same timezone with Azores. But we are not stopping at Azores this time. So pity we cannot visit Azores like what we did few months ago.

I hope day 2 will run smoothly.

We are now entering the phase to cross the north Atlantic ocean to Caribbean, this will end the Mediterranean season and start the Caribbean cruise season.

It’s kinda good news for me, because the cruise is shorter, that’s means more $$$ :-$

But… the thing is.. it’s a bad weather season.. even tonight we cancelled one port of call (Livorno) due to the bad weather, the wave’s so high shaking our big ship.

29 October 2012, we will start heading to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We will stop in several different ports in Spain, and then the worst part, 7 days at sea, the unstable north Atlantic sea!! 😮 there will be nothing in the distance but water.

The bad news is that I don’t have any credit left in my mobile since I lost it in just a minute two days ago for the f*cking roaming data connection. I turned on the roaming data connection in Italy, in just less than a minute, I lost IDR 60,000. o_O and for internet, I only got 5 minutes left, maybe after posting this blog I won’t be able to communicate with anybody else till I get to Florida. sad 🙁