I’m currently working a new project from 2 weeks ago. It hasn’t finished yet because I don’t have much time to code lately. The name is BKOL, stand for “Bursa Kerja OnLineâ€, ordered by a friend of my last client. They told her (their friend) that I helped them to work on their project, so she interested in my skill and asked me to complete her project.
The script is a web application where user can register as User or Publisher. Publisher is a kind of user who can post vacant position in their company and User is the one who is seeking for a job and can browse available jobs based on their criteria.
The thing made the script special for me is that the script uses Gammu. It means one of the feature is SMS center. So people can register to the site by sending an SMS. That’s cool! User can get information of available job vacancies thru SMS.
The script is 40% finished now. Need much more ideas to develop the script. And it will take much times since She has to consult the project with her Lecturer about the development.
Posted in announcement, php, programming, project | |