Why would I lie to girl? Why would I pretend to them that I’m a romantic guy? No use!
I am who I was. I’m not romantic since the first time I date a girl.
If you see my posts in this blog, you may say that I’m a very romantic guy. But you’re wrong.
I can’t tell them how I feel in fancy way.. I can’t say “I love you” everyday.. I can’t wipe their tears when they cry.. I can’t show them that I’m into that same feeling in each day..
She is right, I’m stuck! I always lose my words when I have to say something. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t like her.. it just mean that I’m not good in communicating my thought..
Perhaps girls could accept me the way I am. Coz its kinda hard to change how I express my feeling to them..
I always try to make them feels as comfort as possible.. but if they don’t feel it, I could step back and willing to bury all my heart to keep them from being hurt because of me.
So, can you accept me the way I am? Or should I step back and giving up on you?
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Posted in announcement, Cerpen, sedih |