Hi all,,
I’ve been creating a simple game called Surfing Contest Game. It is a add on for surfing site, Traffic exchange site, like shinelight-traffic.com and rainbow-traffic.com which require the user to surf the sites on the site.
The script built in PHP, mySQL, javascript, and a litle human language.. yeah of course. 😀
Now, the function of the script actually to create a contest or game where the user can invite, or in another word, to challenge the other user to play. The goal is to surf and click as much as they can until the end of the day (when the server changing it’s date). And the user with most click started when the challenge begin until the server changing it’s time is the winner. Well, the prize, the challenger can choose the prize before he can send the invitation to the target user. Of course the prize will be not available for several user, because the prize displayed will be the prize for it’s user level only. For example, the user with free member only can see the prize for free member only, they can’t see the prizes for gold, diamond, or other special level.
For the live example, you may go to the surfing area of the shinelight-traffic.com/surfing.php. If you don’t have any account yet, please register, it’s free.
Well, they pay me for the script. If you interested with the script, you can contact me for a deal ^_^.
Posted in announcement, programming |