Money from GA – New Website | andi setiawan's blog


I’ve received some money from GA (Google Adsense) two days ago.. It was delivered by WU (Western Union), and I’ve took it at Tejakula Post Office.

Not pretty much, not like other pro publisher.. (Y)

It is only $108.. and only 1.050.000 in IDR (indonesian rupiah)..

I got no idea.. how to spend that amount of money…

So confused…

If I buy a brand new phone (my dream phone: SE G502), I got no money left in my wallet..

But I want more, I want a smart phone, like PDA or Nokia S60 3rd edition,..

arrrggghhhhhh…. no money to make it real…

But, may be if I keep that money in my bank account and wait for next payment issued by GA, I can buy a cheap PDA..

And to make it real, I have to optimize my website..

Today, I have an idea to build a website portal. Just like Google or Yahoo that has a lot of services..

for example, if the web-portal has a name “”, then the services are: – Portal’s blog – will contains many useful link and web services – I want to host my (or our) projects here – place to download interesting goodies – The news Portal

And you may create another subdomain, like and

I will invite my friends (and you, if interested) to be an administrator of this new website.

But the main problem is, I don’t know what the name should be.

I think the name like “”, “”, or “” is okay. But they allerady taken buy another publisher.

Do you have any idea about the name??

I need your suggestion about the name.. You can leave a suggestion by commenting at this post.

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10 thoughts on “Money from GA – New Website

  1. @wandi: pake google translate aja mass 😉

    @wahyuOi : tenang aja, nanti dapet subdomain special dari saya.. (Y) : makasi buat sarannya yach.. 😀

    @rio2000 : mungkin ntu salah satu penyebabnya mas.. 😉

  2. koq perasaan kemaren udah ada update-an baru deh??
    tapi sekarang ga ada lagi???
    kalo ga salah masalh virus hape.. dihapus ya kak??

  3. Ngga ada yang dihapus, cuma masalah ama database aja, soalnya lagi proses pindah hosting nih..

    Ngga biza langsung selesai, soalnya udah mulai sibuk kuliah…

    Coba cek di daftar isi buat nyari tulisan tentang virus hape

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