SMA Negeri 1 Singaraja or in English Senior High School 1 Singaraja, is my last wonderful place on earth. (Y)
I got so many experience here. A lot of friends. Nice and smart teacher. Even the GOKIL young teacher. 😉
hemmm.. thanks Smansa, if I were a president, I’ll build a lot more great building for you. And of course, the on-process “Perpustakaan Maya” will finished very soon.
here’s my last photos in Smansa, the last day to be a student of this great school.
take a look…

That’s all folks.. see more photos at
Posted in umum |
salam kenal Andi 😀
mau ngelanjutin di mana nih?
Lam kenal juga bli…
Saya ngelanjutin di BPC-Balindo Paradiso, di jurusan F&B Service 🙂
Mas, Andi yang ya?
“andi yang” apa/siapa mas??? :mikir: