Hehehe… Not like Men In Black, not handsome like others, not famous like the legendarist Michael Jackson (Jacko in memoriam), but that is me…
Promise me not to laught when you see the picture..
Because that is me in black, the the black BPC suite..
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Me in Black
Posted in umum |
Okay…I will not laugh…hihi.. 😀
BTW, would you interested to join Alnect Computer contest with Notebook as a grand prize and many other interesting prize?? Come to my blog for further Information.
Oh ya, this is my first visit to your blog 😀 Nice one pal..
.-= Penguin Kribo´s last blog ..Alnect Komputer Pusat Komputer dan Gadget Murah =-.
sekolah baru,, seragam baru,, themes blog pun ikut baru..
mantap kak.. maknyos cepetnya. apakah ngga pake javascript disidebar mempengaruhi?
.-= WahyuOi´s last blog ..Konami Kode di Blog =-.
@penguin: wah, kayaknya ga sempet deh bikin review buat kompetisinya, dah jarang ke warnet sih..
@wahyuOi: semakin banyak javascript, plugin yang active, dan konten, semakin lambat loading blognya, makanya sekarang jadi minimalis..
aduh apalagi nih…mampir sob,
.-= pras´s last blog ..Mempercantik Facebook =-.
Cakep Mas, kayak Frans Mohede (vokalis Lingua). Salam kenal ya…
.-= Blogodolar´s last blog ..Koneksi Internet Lambat…Cape Deh! =-.
bro fotonya bagus
.-= ajieee´s last blog ..Membuat Header Kaya Ajie =-.
Wah, keliatanny mas lebih ganteng deh daripada Will Smith…
.-= CatatanRudy´s last blog ..Black Hat SEO =-.