yesterday, my mother told me that she didn’t have money for me to buy new mobile phone..
Oh poor me….
I lost my mobile phone for 2 weeks ago. Someone stole it from me when I’m in school.
Jadi sekarang gw lagi ngambek neeh…
actually, yesterday i wanted to go home to ask for some money (its about $150). That’s a large amount of money, i know it. But She have prepared the money from a week ago. Maybe she used it for another needs.
arghhhh….. I WANT MY NEW SE G502 MoBiLe PhOne!!!!!
Posted in sedih | |
hope you can buy G502 again from adsense 🙂
well, ga terlalu berharap ama adsense mas, msih mimpi
i hope somebody give me some donations for new mobile.. hope..hope..hope.. (G)