Graduated – Sexy 3GP – mailer | andi setiawan's blog

😉 (H) 🙂 (*) 😀 (Y) 😛 :-$  HOrrAy……


Now im graduated from Smansa Singaraja…

Do you know how exciting it is???

Like flying in heaven… (H)

graduated from high school (smansa singaraja) in 2009
graduated from high school (smansa singaraja) in 2009

By the way, actually I would like to tell you about something since last time I wrote about “pornographic” content here.

My site trafic have been increased since I wrote about “tempat download bokep mp4 & 3gp gratis.

Mostly people came from search engine to this page because they search these keywords in Google :
Bokep, 3gp, download, mp4, gratis, sexy, porno, hape, gratis, etc.

I don’t know why people still love to search that porn keywords on net.

If people (+18) want to see pornographic content, they should go to some village, and they can see some “Nona Bela” (Italian), or “beautiful grandma” in english… hahahahaha 😀

New Mailer System

Yesterday, I’ve made a simple script for “mass mailing list“.

The script will send an email to all the email address registered in the database.

This simple script I made to notify all the people I’ve known and all emaill address that have ever leave their comment in my blog.

So if there is any update on my blog, I will notify them with only one single click.

If you interested with this script, don’t hesitate to contact me, I’ll give you free.

Posted in umum |

8 thoughts on “Graduated – Sexy 3GP – mailer

  1. Mohon maaf yang sebesar besar nya, tapi mohon email saya dihapus dari subriber. Karna mohon maaf sedikit mengganggu kalo mendapat email setiap blog anda update. Mungkin script anda harus ditambah fungsi unsubrice. Karna mohon maaf, ini seperti spam. Terima kasih atas pengertiannya dan mohon segera ditanggapi.

    Hmmm.. Maaf ya.. Nanti akan saya perbaiki sistem-nya agar bisa un-subscribe dari system. Atau kalo memang seperti spam, untuk sementara langsung saja flag email dari system saya biar langsung masuk ke folder spam. Sekali lagi maaf.

  2. Jangan manggil pak donk mas, masih muda neeh… Hehehe..
    Oke makasi atas laporannya, kayaknya ada masalah ama cookie javascript yang di browser, nanti tak atur deh..

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