GenosI v.3 Released! | andi setiawan's blog

Finally, after a long hard work, I finished building the new release of GenosI.

Akhirnya, setelah kerja keras yg panjang, saya selesai mengerjakan release terbaru GenosI.

Lot of bugs fixed, some new feature added, and so many improvement in this 3rd version.

Banyak bugs yg diperbaiki, ditambahkan beberapa fitur baru, dan banyak pengembangan dalam versi ke-3 ini.

New Mobile Version, Posting blog post from mobile, friendly URL, new confi

The download link is in the bottom of this post page.

Link download-nya ada di bagian bawah post ini

Here’s the change log (the bold line mean it is the major change):

berikut change Log nya (yg make huruf tebal berarti itu adalah perubahan yg utama):

change from Version 2 Codename : Newave (20-July-2009)

1| 21 July 09 23:33 | Fixed | install.php | CHMOD error
2| 21 July 09 23:50 | Added | mailer | merged with mailer V3, use comment email
3| 26 August 09 00:30 | Added | template | New fresh template: Bluezone
4| 26 August 09 00:30 | Fixed | Logs | logging system now has better scripting, and no error anymore : logs.php and refer.php
5| 29 August 09 23:23 | Changed | Editor | The WYSIWYG editor has changed from tinyMCE to fckeditor,

6| 29 August 09 23:23 | Fixed | Editing | The error when editing article, it’s now fixed up.. and a little bit changes in the system
7| 30 August 09 02:19 | Changed | Admin Area | Configuration at admin area now has modified and simplified, also more interactive
8| 30 August 09 02:32 | Changed | RSS Feed | location of the RSS Feeds is “” and for the comment feed is “”
9| 30 August 09 02:32 | Changed | Database | the “URL” column at “writing” table changed into “text” format, so it support long slug now.
10| 30 August 09 19:00 | Added | Client Detection | Now we can automatically detect and redirect the user to the best version of the page (whether normal or mobile version)

11| 30 August 09 20:10 | Changed | Mobile Version | Newer design of mobile version, little bit changes in the script

12| 31 August 09 18:10 | Changed | Login Page | the login page has been redesigned

13| 31 August 09 20:35 | Changed | Posting | The new line (“\n”) in non-WYSIWYG editor now will convert automatically to “<br/>\n”
14| 31 August 09 21:45 | Added | Posting | Now we can post an article trough the mobile version

15| 31 August 09 21:50 | Added | Posting | No post in the URL? We added 404 error warning if there’s no post to be shown in the entered address
16| 31 August 09 22:25 | Fixed | Comment | Bugs fixed : No comments can be inserted to database after adding prefix feature
17| 31 August 09 22:35 | Fixed | Sitemap | Bugs fixed : Error shown when static sitemap file (sitemap.txt) cannot be accessed/rewriten by Genos
18| 1 Sept 09 15:25 | added | Robots | added robots.txt to prevent robots from crawling unnecessary dir/files
19| 1 Sept 09 15:30 | added | .htaccess | added .htaccess to set the security
20| 2 Sept 09 15:34 | added | Template | Ajaxed template, awesome…
21| 2 Sept 09 15:35 | added | SEO | added SEO friendly URL,
22| 3 Sept 09 20:45 | added | Page | Added “System Down for mintenance” page. user will automaticly redirected to this page if the system is down


Download link:

GenosI ver.3 (5-Sept-2009)
Ajaxed Template
New GenosI Homepage – visit this site for minor/major update

Posted in umum |

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