Relationship is a gift from God. It is his way to make our life more colorful.
Do you ever watch a movie titled “Fireproof�
I have watched that movie for many times. But it ain’t makes me stop moved emotionally every time I watch it. ;-(
Yes, moved emotionally, that is something likes feels sad, want to cry, the tears almost dropping, in the other words feels like I have ever been married and divorce with my wife when I still love her… Ya singkatnya terharu lah kalo di Indonesiakan. hehehe 😀
Honestly, I almost drop my tears every times I watch that movie, even I’ve know its plot. :-$
This movie is awesome…  and I never felt tired to watch it over and over again… 🙂
You should watch this movie before you make a relation, and don’t tell me that you’re a gentle man if you don’t cry after watched this movie. I bet you’ll feel the same as the way I am.
Shortly, it tells us to keep up our holy relationship (our marriage).
The moral Value: Do not ever, ever, leave your partner, especially in “fireâ€Â.
Okay, I’ll tell you the short review of Fireproof the movie…
The 40 Days Love Dare
A fireman named Caleb has a bad marriage with Anna after 7 years of their marriage, they almost ruined up their marriage by taking a final action, which is divorce. They’re in fire. Even Caleb is a fireman; he can’t extinguish the fire in his marriage.
But Caleb’s parents suddenly come to visit their son when things going hotter. Then after a short conversation when Caleb and his father go for a walk at the back yard, Caleb’s father told Caleb like this:
“Caleb, if there’s a part of your heart that wanted to keep this relationship, please takes my Love Dare!â€Â
“What Love Dare?†Caleb said.
“This 40 days of love dare has makes the relationship between me and your mother keep running until now on. I’ll send you the Love Dare book after I finished write it on my own.â€Â
Few days have passed, and the Love Dare book has arrived at Caleb’s house by mail.
The first page of the book told Caleb not to read the book at once. He has to read the 40 paged book one page a day. So the 40 days love dare will be finished in 40 days.
Many days have passed away, Caleb still doing fine with the dare, but not with his life. He sacrifices his hobby and what he wants for. His hobby is browsing the internet (like Andi), and he really-really want to have a boat. Yes, boat for fishing, so many guys in U.S love fishing in their leisure time. Caleb has saved his money (from the salary as a fireman) to buy a new boat. But he throws away his ego to follow what the book told him. So poor Caleb, but he do it seriously.
Until one day, Caleb’s wife found the book, and read it. Caleb has changed. Now Caleb loves her more than ever. But Anna wants to leave him. She was crying to know that she makes a big mistake to Caleb. Then she goes to see Caleb, and ask Caleb:
“I’ve found your book, and I read it since yesterday. Caleb, why do you do this for me? You have doing something that isn’t normal for you.â€Â
“So, welcome to my new normal!!! Few weeks ago, my father has told me, if there’s a part of my heart willing to stay with you forever, I have to take the 40 days love dare†Caleb show his honesty.
“Then what day are you now?â€Â
“It’s now the 43rd dayâ€Â
“But there’s only 40 days in your bookâ€Â
“Who tells me to stop? I never wanted to stop loving you!â€Â
Caleb touched Anna’s heart again, and then they were hug each other, and crying. Anna started to wear her wedding ring again. And Caleb, he never put off his wedding ring, bcoz he knows that the ring has a holly value.
Oh damn… that such a romantic movie makes me…… want to hug and kiss somebody, who want to kiss me??????? ^_^
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