confused: looking for best PHP script | andi setiawan's blog

For now on, im still looking for the best PHP script for my next new site. It has to be fully-manageable, can be viewed by mobile phone browser, supporting file upload and download.

Do you have any idea???

Actually I don’t have any idea yet about my new site..

Is it gonna be an usual blog, or a portal, or . . . . wew.. really confused,,

In this picture : my friend at BPC – Balindo Paradiso Campus, she was confused too…

Posted in umum |

23 thoughts on “confused: looking for best PHP script

  1. maunya bikin apa, di tentukan dulu ๐Ÿ™‚

    WordPress masih menjadi cms pilihan kalau hanya untuk -fully-manageable, can be viewed by mobile phone browser, supporting file upload and download.- tapi kalau ingin lebih spesifik tentu banyak pilihan juga ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. wah.. sama jg mas…
    masalah PHP, masalah script… wesss… pokoknya bikin puyeng mas…
    yg penting asal isa ngeblog aja, upload artikel, dah cukup buat saya mas.. he.he..

  3. Wah kalau sudah berbau pemrograman ke PHP ga dong, saya sering edit2 template tapi nggak tahu benar atau nggak, paling2 kalau sampe error tinggal restore tuh template :evillaugh:

  4. PHP???

    Was it a kind of food or something??
    I just thought that it was a vacant job position due to u put a picture with job questioning quotation in it? hehehe…

  5. Drupal opsi yg bagus kl mau membangun portal yg sibuk, atau kenapa tidak coba bikin cms sendiri dgn menggunakan framework i.e CI, Cake, Kohana

    btw salam kenal ya

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