Finally, my new domain is running up. I’m very excited. (H)
I’ve decided the content of this site will contain my old blog ( and contain my several articles from
I’m sure that this domain will last for a long time. Because this domain is not belong to me.. hehehe…. Someone out there will manage this domain corectly. And (free hosting with 250mb space, 10 subdomain, 1mySQL) will keep my files and site up.
I have a plan. Nice plan for those who have a mobile-life. I will build up a wap-site version of this site. Still confused on how i’ll make it considering wordpress doesn’t have built in wap generator, not like Genos(i) that allready have built-in wap (mobile) version of the blog. Hehehe… thats my nice Genos..
Posted in senang | |
hehehe… 😛
Finally.. It’s done.. (H)